News - New Layout!

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New Layout! Jul 11, 2020
We are sorry for the unexpected downtime as which we have taken to change the complete layout of our Platform, We have revamped the design to provide you a better look and easy to find everything, We hope you guys like the new Design. Thank you and sorry for the last 24 hours down time.

Biswanath at Dec 27, 2022

Please give me good job
Biswanath at Dec 27, 2022

Hi I'm biswanath
Supi at Dec 17, 2022

WhySurveys are not available?
Saqib118 at Jun 14, 2021

HARIPRICY at Apr 6, 2021

We are sorry for the unexpected downtime as which we have taken to change the complete layout of our Platform, We have revamped the design to provide you a better look and easy to find everything, We hope you guys like the new Design. Thank you and sorry for the last 24 hours down time.
Santhoshkumar07 at Mar 4, 2021

Samsudeen7386 at Feb 5, 2021

Barath24 at Dec 13, 2020

Why my earnings does not added to my wallet
Sayyid at Nov 29, 2020

No surveys are available here.what to do? Surveys are not available
Rajeshbav at Oct 24, 2020

Why my earnings doesnot add to my wallet
Sakir7789 at Sep 25, 2020

We are sorry for the unexpected downtime as which we have taken to change the complete layout of our Platform, We have revamped the design to provide you a better look and easy to find everything, We hope you guys like the new Design. Thank you and sorry for the last 24 hours down time.
Sakir7789 at Sep 25, 2020

We are sorry for the unexpected downtime as which we have taken to change the complete layout of our Platform, We have revamped the design to provide you a better look and easy to find everything, We hope you guys like the new Design. Thank you and sorry for the last 24 hours down time.

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